North Island Credit Union
Corporate Headquarters
128,000 s.f. / 6 Story / LEED "Silver" CERTIFICATION
San Diego, California

The North Island Credit Union Headquarters is a six-story, 128,000 square foot corporate office building with LEED "Silver" certification located in San Diego, California.
The building massing of stone, light glass and the aluminum curtain wall reflect the two divergent cultures that exist at North Island Credit Union; a solid financial institution with an open casual community. The building embraces the “Island” theme. This was achieved with the use of enhanced concrete designed to mimic the breaking surf; a lobby encompassing a wooden structure that is reminiscent of a ‘Palapa’; and the use of tropical landscaping. The Building amenities include: multiple balconies, a large community center for use by the public, and employees, a health club, a café/lunchroom, a large training facility for employees, a corporate boardroom, and quiet relaxation room complete with Zen garden.
Believing in responsible design, we adopted the use of “Green” technologies from the beginning to the end of the project. We starting with the building envelope that was designed to minimize heat gain; followed by recycling of construction debris; using recycled and renewable materials, such as bamboo flooring; installing waterless urinals; using recycled water for irrigation, and focusing on efficient mechanical systems.